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Home brew is an amateur radio slang term for home-built, noncommercial radio equipment often using simple designs.
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QRP and Homebrew by DL2YEO - Information about QRP transceivers, accessories, and other home made equipment. Homebrew Spectrum Anlyzer Project. - This is an information page about a spectrum analyzer homebrew project based upon a TV tuner frontend. Much project related information is provided. JF1OZL - A large and varied selection of projects to build. English and Japanese text. DL4MEA, Guenter Koellner - Homebrew projects, especially VHF/UHF. Includes high power amplifiers. WA6CGR - Mostly microwave projects. IZ7ATH - Antennas, keyers, amplifiers and equipment for digital modes. 7N3WVM - Many good hints and projects for the homebrewer. K4GC's Homebrew Amateur Radio Page - Homebrew amateur radio site including tube and solid state transmitters and receivers. S57NAN - Homebrew transceivers and other projects. DSP-10 Project - 2-Meter transceiver that can be built at home. Plans. G0UPL Homebrew Radio, Electronics & Computers - Many homebrew projects for Radio, Electronics and Computers including QRP HF Radio, Z80 Computers Projects and Software from KØEMT - Home brew projects and free software. HAM Antenna Plans and Projects - Plans, pictures, parts lists for HF, VHF, UHF antennas. Amateur Radio Construction Projects - Includes a simple CW station, and R1 - R2 DC receivers. Technical Topics - Forum includes HF/VHF antenna projects, high power Russian GS35B RF amplifiers, mobile RFI solutions, and vintage radios. RTTY - FSK/AFSK Interface and Diagrams - How to remove the so called "ground loop" and the reentry in the RTTY broadcast. Homebrew and Electronics Tutorials - Indonesian amateur offers technical information, projects, manuals and links. Crystal Radio and Tubes - Dedicated to crystal and old battery radios, including tube sets. Includes restoration projects and plans. HAM Projects - Technical information for HF, remote-control and digital decoding devices, plus a CPU-based hardware project. Farhan's Homebrew QRP (VU2FAX) - homebrew transceivers, experiments, DSP HB9ABX - Homebrew site with a hf-mobile, magnetic loop antenna and duplexer projects. Also cable datasheets are available. 2 Meter Loop - Page contains pictures and plans for 2 Meter Loop for use on ssb. KD7NRQ - Jason shares information on design and construction of a vintage 813 beam power tube CW crystal transmitter. TEARA's Amateur Radio Homebrewer's Page - This page is a source for info and parts, used by homebrewers of Amateur Radio equipment and accessories. 73 de WD5GNR - Information about homebrew electronics, PC boards, microcontrollers, Basic Stamps, and other aspects of ham radio. Projects, and tips. Fox Delta Amateur Radio Projects and Kits - Homebrewing projects and kits such as DDS, frequency counters, LCD power meter, and sound card interfaces. - Site from Alan Yates, VK2ZAY, with his personal homebrew amateur radio projects. K5DKZ - Offers information about homemade audio amplifiers, RF amplifiers, auxiliary ham radio equipment including antenna designs and constructions. Yahoo RFamplifiers Group - A forum for the exchange of how-to information about homebrewing RF power amplifiers for ham radio use, or for repairing and modifying boatanchor versions of same. M1HOG - Amateur Radio construction projects including QRP, homebrew and kits. Special event operating across the UK. LY3LP Laboratory - A blog with QRP, 20m, 6m and 2m homebrew projects completed with a SARC news feed. W1FIF - Norm in Wisconsin has posted photos and details of his 6V6 QRP CW rig built in a cigar box and an 80 to 10 transceiver. K5BCQ Homebrew - For radio enthusiasts interested in building and using the 1950s-60s era HBR receivers. Repair information for Heathkit SB-104, SB-101, and HW-101 transceivers. AK0B Glowbug and Homebrew Radios - Pictures and article on building a QRP transmitter. The thermionic website - Devoted to electronic thermionic devices known as 'tubes' or 'valves'. Includes information on several transmitters and receivers. AB4EL - Notes, and archives about boatanchors, tube rigs, homebrewing, Heathkits and QRP. Vintage Radio and Electronics - A resource for valve and early transistor portable radios. Includes a section with old circuits and original articles. Ken Lotts AA7JC - Homebrew 40 meter CW transmitter and a QRP CW transceiver. Bartlesville Kilowatt Transmitter - Homebrew rig from 1937, built by W5GAE, Preston Gaddis of Bartlesville, OK., who is now a silent key. - VE3XRM offers an electronic circuit library and photos of various radios in his collection. G4LNA - Small collection of circuit ideas and projects by Paul Balaam. W8ZR - Jim Garland offers a homebrew gallery, shows his vintage collection, and provides his biography and family pictures. WY3A - Bill Patton shares content on the RockMite QRP transceiver and the Heathkit GR-81 regenerative receiver, his history in radio and some antenna projects. Pennsylvania. Amateur Radio Antennas - Offers a collection of antenna plans for HF and VHF bands, with assembling instructions, drawings and pictures. Harry's Homebrew - A resource for ham radio and electronics in general. Includes projects, reference documents, and kits. DH1TW - Combination of news, views and podcasts. Main subjects featured are contesting, SDR projects, and radio related IT topics. Yagi-Uda antenna - Multi element beam design notes and polar plots covering the 10m, 6m, and 2m Amateur Bands, plus one design for the 406MHz to 410MHz Radio Astronomy Band. Amateur Radio Homebrewing - A collection of projects and resources for Ham Radio Homebrewing enthusiasts DF9CY - Christoph Petermann with articles on making antennas and equipment. DL5NEG - Various receivers, transceivers and converters for HF to UHF. F1FLA - X-Yagis - How to build big X-Yagis for VHF Repeater Builder's Technical Information Page - Providing information for making amateur and commercial repeaters. - Offers details on building an indoor stealth antenna and information on experiences with them. HA8ET - Gyula Nagy presents homebrew and project pages for preamplifiers, RLB's and return diplexers and technical articles. Hungary. WA2ISE - Pictures, schematics and descriptions of modifications for vacuum-tube receivers. N6EV - Glowbug references from ARRL handbooks, schematics, projects, files and archives. Klunky Schematic Editor Home Page - Intended for use by radio amateurs to draw small schematics, for small projects. K9GDT - George describes his homebrew projects: a 40m CW/SSB receiver, 40m 100 watt CW/SSB/AM/RTTY transmitter, 75m AM transceiver and 600 Watt HF amplifier. Portable Lightplants and Generators - Homebrewed alternators and generators with photos and details. SM6LKM - Offers some information and schematics including on longwave transmitters, and upconverters, QRP transmitter and PIC controlled DDS VFO. Also features pictures of non directional beacons. AB4YD - Plans and schematics from Bill's glowbug project as well as information about receiving tubes, from the GE essential characteristics tube manual, date unknown. 80m CW Transmitter - 6BM8 amateur radio rig with 8 watts output by G0UPL. K8EOP 5-band SSB transmitter - Site describes the rig built by this 'silent key', and it shows pictures and a description. Thanks to Al, W8UT. 1937 Frank C. Jones Radio Handbook - Selected pages from the book QRP and HOMEBREW - Homebrewing of transceivers, receivers, transmitters and test equipment. [Italian - English] N6GN Microwave Link Page - Information about the Multi-Megabit/sec Microwave Data Link article which was first published in the December 1989 edition of Ham Radio Magazine. Vintage Amateur "Early Wireless" Radio Stations - This site is dedicated to the construction and operation of a variety Wireless vintage Ham Radio stations circa 1910's to the early 1930's. RTL2832u based Software Defined Radios - Blog covering developments of homebrew RTL-SDR radios using the Realtek RTL2832u chipset. Ham Radio - Offers a circuit diagram of a 7 MHz SSB transceiver. Radio Daze-Tools - Tools for homebrewers, including chassis punches. Magnetic Loop Antenna Plans - US Radio Amateur Frank, N4SPP, presents plans on how to build your own antenna. Spiderbeam - A multiband Yagi for 14.28 MHz. Technical data and a detailed manual in PDF are online. User reports and a kit service are available. QRP HomeBuilder - Homebrew amateur radio receivers, transmitters, transceivers and accessories. QRP related. HF Projects - Classic HF receivers and electronic constructional projects including a telephone exchange, spectrum analyzer, and homemade TTL computers. Glowbugs Radio by UU1CC - Glowbugs homebrew projects, rare tube data, translated articles from the old xUSSR HAM-radio handbooks and magazines.
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