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Butterflies Along Alaska's Hiking Trails - Photos and information about Alaskan butterflies by Mary Hopson. Connecticut Butterfly Association - Promotes the awareness and appreciation of butterflies and moths. Field trips, programs, checklist, species accounts, and field notes. South Texas Butterfly Club - Based in Mission, Texas. Events, specialties, hotspots, checklists, field notes, articles, and links. TX-Butterfly - Archives and subscription management for the e-mail group for butterfliers in Texas. Atala Chapter of NABA - Based in Palm Beach County, Florida. Events, species list, local places to see butterflies, and Atala species account. Butterflies and Their Larval Food Plants - Photographs and detailed descriptions of the butterflies and their foodplants of Orange County, California by Peter J. Bryant and Larry Orsak of the University of California, Irvine. Butterflies of Arkansas - Checklist, maps, and photos from Herschel Raney's site. Butterflies of Dallas County, Texas - Annotated checklist with specimen photos, guide to area hotspots, sightings, and resources. Butterflies of Massachusetts - Photos by Marj Rines. Butterflies of New England - Photos and annotated links. Butterflies of Southeastern Arizona - Bruce Walsh's illustrated checklist. Carolina Butterfly Society - Club for butterfliers in North and South Carolina. Field trips, articles, butterfly gardening, reports, checklist, and photo gallery. Common California Butterfly Species - Images and information about host plants. Dave Powell's Butterfly Site - Video capture images of North American butterflies, mainly from California and Florida. Dorothy Pugh - Butterflies - Photos of butterflies by family, mostly from the North Carolina Piedmont region. Eugene-Springfield Chapter of NABA - Based in Eugene-Springfield, Oregon. Meetings, count results, sightings, butterfly gardening, and list of common species. Florida's Butterflies - Information on gardening for butterflies, accounts for 10 common species, state checklist, photos, and resources. Georgia Butterflies - Jim Flynn's site with a species list, a photo gallery sorted by county, and links. Massachusetts Butterfly Club - Field trips, programs, and contact information. North America Butterfly Photos - Gallery of close-up digital photos of 266 butterfly species, mostly taken in North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, and Oregon. North Jersey Butterfly Club - Meets in Morristown. Events, butterfly sites, and links. NYSButterflies - E-mail discussion group for butterfliers in New York state. Ohio Butterfly Species - Checklist, photos, and publications, with detailed species accounts (including distribution and flight periods) for 12 common species. SoWestLep - E-mail group for discussion of butterflies in southern California, southern Nevada, Arizona, Baja California, and Sonora. Tulsa Butterfly Resources - Field trips, Oklahoma butterfly watching locations, and links. Valeps - E-mail group for butterflies (and moths) in Virginia. Windows On Nature - Butterflies - Photo gallery by John D. Ingram from the Austin, Texas area. Wisconsin Butterflies - A guide to the butterfly species of Wisconsin, including species accounts, lists by county, and links. Claire Curry's Butterfly Photos - Gallery of photos mostly taken in Wise County, Texas. Butterfly Society of Virginia - Includes society information, feature articles, events, kids' section, list of common butterflies and their host plants, and gardening tips. Butterfly Enthusiasts of Southeast Texas - NABA chapter based in Houston, Texas. Calendar of events, photo gallery, and information on gardening for butterflies. Carolinaleps - Subscription management and archive for the e-mail group for butterflies (and moths) in the Carolinas. Southern California Butterflies - Photographs of the butterflies of southern California and their host plants. Eastern Washington butterflies - Photographs and information on 65 species. Grand Prairie Butterfly Club - Based in east-central Illinois. Field trips, butterflying basics, and other information. Orange County Chapter of NABA - News and events, photos, and gardening. Jeff Pippen's Butterfly Page - Photographs and information on about 300 species from North Carolina, Florida, Texas, and elsewhere. Connecticut Butterfly Atlas Project - Distribution maps for all species and species lists for all quadrangles of the state. Saint Louis Chapter of NABA - Based in St. Louis, Missouri. Events, newsletter, photo gallery, checklist, and gardening tips. Sarasota County Butterfly Club - NABA chapter based in Sarasota, Florida. Programs, photo gallery, brochures, events, and contacts.
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