The Central Region of the East Kingdom is located in the lower New England states and includes the following branches: Shire of Anglespur - Troy, NY; Barony of Bergental - Western, MA; Barony of Beyond the Mountain - North, East CT, which holds the Canton of Bowman's Rest - North-Central CT, Canton of Dragon's Aerie - Southeastern CT, Canton of Fennbrycg - Eastern CT and Canton of Ravenhill - Northwest CT; Barony of Carolingia - Greater Boston, MA, which holds the Canton of Aschehyrst - Central MA and Canton of the Towers - Northeast MA; Shire of Castle Keep - Greene, Columbia Co, NY; Shire of Coill Tuar - Southern Ulster Co., NY; Barony of Concordia of the Snows - Albany, NY; Barony of Dragonship Haven - Southwestern CT, which holds the Canton of Dragon Forge - S.Fairfield Co. CT, Canton of Giant's Gate - New Haven, Waterbury, CT and Canton of Sea Tyger's Rhyn - Central S.CT; Shire of Frosted Hills - Dutchess Co., NY; Shire of Nordenhalle - Kingston, NY; Shire of Quintavia - Worcester Co., MA; Shire of Smoking Rocks - Southeast MA; Barony of the Bridge - RI State, which holds the Canton of Trollhaven - Southern RI.