Sites which offer the sale of Barbie dolls and friends, should be submitted to the appropriate shopping category here:
If website pertain to Barbie Clubs, Redeaux, Restorations, Vintage, or Personal Collections, it might better fit in one of the Barbie doll sub-categories of Recreation. Therefore, please look for the most specific category or sub-category for submission.
Please submit only one listing of a site to the Open Directory Project, submitting it to the most specific category. Mirror urls of pages which already appear in the Open Directory are not permitted. In addition, deep links of sites are unnecessary. It is best to list the main page of the site, not each separate page.
If a website is still under construction, please refrain from submitting it for consideration until it is completed. Sites under construction cannot be listed until complete.
Please read the Open Directory Project submission guidelines carefully prior to submission. Thank you.