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Fruit, berry and nut varieties suitable to grow in the backyard or small holding for home consumption; 'how to' information on growing and planning for fruits, berries and nuts in the home garden landscape.
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Gooseberries - Information about aspects of gooseberry cultivation (botanical and horticultural) and a variety list. Pomology - Information and pictures of a large number of apple, pear, peach, cherry and strawberry cultivars. Site in French and English, with some materials French only. Frames. North American Fruit Explorers - An organization of amateur growers of fruits and nuts. Description of organization and membership information, links to local and plant-specific interest groups, list of nurserymen. The Virtual Orchard - Directory of fruit production links and resources. California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. - Membership information, seed bank, book reviews, local chapter information, plant descriptions, member nurseries and fruit sources. Planning a Subtropic Fruit Garden - Notes by Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery on planning a home fruit garden in subtropical areas. Oriented to Australia, universally applicable in the subtropics. Kentucky State University Pawpaw Research Project - Information on buying and growing pawpaw trees (Asimina triloba), nutritional content of pawpaw fruit, recipes using pawpaws, research and the Pawpaw Foundation, bibliography of pawpaw articles, photos of pawpaw trees and fruit. North Dakota Fruitgrowing - Answers to commonly asked questions about growing apples, grapes, brambles and strawberries in North Dakota. North Dakota State University Extension. Pennsylvania Back Yard Fruit Growers - A Pennsylvania based group of amateur growers. Cultivar recommendations and photographs, photographs of espaliered fruit trees, bibliography. North Carolina Home Fruit Growing - A series of leaflets from the North Carolina extension service, in HTML and PDF format. Apple, bramble, muscadine grape, blueberry and strawberry cultivation and cultivar recommendations. Fruit Tree Tips - Eleven tips for growing fruit trees including pollination, pruning and harvesting from an Oregon nurseryman. Arizona Master Gardener Manual: Fruit Trees - General information on home growing fruit trees in Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Grow Fruits and Nuts in Temperate Areas - Cultivation summaries for fruit and nut bearing plants from the common to the exotic. Growing PawPaws (Purdue University) - Cultivation hints and list of sources. PDF file. The Pits-The Rare Pit and Plant Council - New York City group dedicated to growing seeds and tubers of edible plants found in local and ethnic markets. List of publications, contact information and copy of current newsletter with cultivation tips. MidFEx (Midwest Fruit Explorers) - A Northern-Illinois based group of backyard fruitgrowers. List of recommended cultivars for the Chicagoland area and information on grafting fruit trees and growing paw paws (Asimina triloba). Kiwifruit - Information on fuzzy kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa), culture, and cultivars. Photographs of some cultivars. Home Orchard Society - Oregon-based organization promoting the growing of fruit at home. Membership information, excerpts from the organization's journal and links to other fruit-interest sites. Florida Subtropical and Tropical Fruit Crops - Factsheets from the University of Florida extension on a cultivation of a variety of fruits and nuts in Florida. Guide to Growing Fruit - Introduction to growing a variety fruit trees and other plants. Grow Fruit and Nuts in the Suburbs and Homesteads - Index of fruit species with descriptions and links. Home Citrus Growers - Information on growing citrus in the UK. Includes varieties, plant sources, and cultural advice. Rare Fruit Society of South Australia - An amateur organization of fruit tree growers who preserve heritage varieties, explore climate limitations and study propagation, pruning and grafting techniques. Announcements, meeting and membership details, photo gallery and links. Some areas members only. Fruits of Warm Climates - List and description of fruits, including lesser-known varieties, that grow in tropical and subtropical climates. Saskatoons in Alberta - A fact sheet on the cultivation and care of the saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia) from the Alberta, Canada extension service. Oklahoma State University: Fruits & Nuts - Collection of leaflets on cultivation of fruits and nuts, for both commercial and home growers. California Rare Fruit Growers, San Diego Chapter - Provides support to gardeners interested in growing tropical and sub-tropical rare fruits and other exotic plants via meetings, field tips and a monthly newsletter which includes articles, activities, links, newsletters and photographs. - Dedicated to Diospyros virginiana, the American persimmon: information about growing, botany, natural history, and culinary uses, with listing of sources for fruit pulp and trees. Ohio Pawpaw Festival - An Albany, Ohio festival devoted to the pawpaw (Asimina triloba). Events include a cookoff and other contests. History and visitor information. Eastern Chapter of the Society of Ontario Nut Growers - Information on the chapter plus a detailed cultivation manual and list of nut tree sources. Tree Fruit in the Home Garden - Article from the Virginia Tech cooperative extension relating to growing fruit trees. Brevard Rare Fruit Council - A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the propagation and distribution of new species. Meetings, membership, fruit species profiles, and recipes. Missouri Apple Varieties and Their Uses - Recommended varieties for the Missouri climate, including a table of disease resistance and pros and cons of each variety. Citrus Collection By Petr Broza - Enthusiast from the Czech Republic presents his experiences growing a large variety of citrus fruits, and shares photos of his garden and greenhouse, many citrus, and other subtropical fruits. Site in Czech and English. Strawberry Varieties - Overview of species and cultivars, with notes on bearing season, flavor, and disease resistance. Quince Growing - Factsheet discussing cultivation, varieties, diseases, and harvesting of quinces. Edible Landscaping & Gardening - Index of edible perennial plants, both common and uncommon, including fruits, nuts, vegetables and herbs. European Collection of Minor Fruit Trees - Associated with the University of Florence, this European Union project collects varieties of minor fruits cultivated around the Mediterranean. Holdings include cornelian cherry, figs, loquat, medlar, pomegranate, sorbus, strawberry tree. Description of project, database of holdings, descriptions and photographs of plants. Fruit Production for the Home Gardener - A number of tree fruit and other resources from the Penn State University Horticulture Department. Tree pruning illustrated, tree fruit fact sheets for the small-scale and backyard grower. How to Grow Raspberries - Pruning, trellising, and fertilizing tips. Recommends everbearing varieties in raised beds. From Fine Gardening magazine. The California Backyard Orchard - Includes gardening calendars, general orchard preparation and maintenance tips, specific fruit species information, and glossary. University of Kentucky Home Fruit Gardener Information - Pest control leaflets and other cultivation information for Kentucky homegrowers. Small Fruit Crops for the Backyard - Information for gardeners from the University of Illinois. Strawberries - A guide to growing strawberries, strawberry farms, selection and care, history, recipes and festivals. University of Illinois Extension. Apples and More - Links to various apple related items, and lists of apple related facts, compiled by the University of Illinois extension. National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis - Temperate Fruit Genebank - Information on holdings, scans of antique prints and watercolors of fruit and plants. Mark's Fruit Crops - Information on major and minor fruit and nut crops from a University of Georgia horticulture professor. Provides a botanical description, historical information, photographs, cultural notes and nutritional information. Pawpaws: A Paw for You and a Paw for Me - Newsletter article with a few illustrations and links to other pawpaw resources.
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