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Affirmations For Positive Thinking - Offers personal affirmations tutorials, together with a free daily affirmation. Includes pricing and order details. Careapy - Distance learning courses developed by Barbara and Glenn Smyly through their work in the Alivening Project. Personal development, spiritual psychology and character education programs. Counselors Association Inc - Offering LifeChange program which combines hypnosis with a workbook. Tutorials, resources and associated articles. Effectiveness-Plus - Coaching, training, social anxiety and effectiveness resources (reports, books, links, articles) for the management of performance anxiety, development of savvy interactions and confidence, and creation of satisfying and productive personal and business relationships. Empowerment Training Programs - Offers five personal empowerment programs. This site describes each training and features additional resources. Flying in the Comfort Zone - Programs for fear of flying. Free information on anxiety control, PTSD treatment plan, and fighting trauma. I Need Motivation - Offering courses, recordings and coaching for personal success and satisfaction. InnerPeace - Interfaith self-help program. Removes issues that interfere with your inner peace. Creates states that support your inner peace. James Battle & Associates - Publishers and distributors of a variety of publications and resources, aimed at the professional psychologist as well as the lay-person. Online catalog and company profile. Learn the Lessons Technologies - Created to provide a quick reference and tools for learning life's lessons and to help others deal effectively with day-to-day problems. Living Consciously - A simple, practical process for personal growth, balance, healing, well-being, consciousness and motivation in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of life. Audio cassette course, seminars, employee training and wellness programs, special programs for at-risk students. Mark Shafer, PhD - Workshops, classes, and retreats focused on personal and spiritual growth. NorthEast Health Realization Institute NEHRI - Health Realization Model, an approach for prevention of problem behaviors through books, training, coaching. Three principles for parenting, mental health, education, and well-being from the inside-out. Option Institute - Nonprofit educational organization offering year-round self-empowerment programs. Power Optimism - Teaches people to release negative patterns and create positive practices. Learn how optimism promotes resiliency, self-esteem and personal growth. Workshops and workplace training. Release Technique - Self improvement program that can help relieve anxiety and stress, fight depression, improve health and promote wealth and success. Testimonials, ordering facility, background information and newsletter. Sedona Training Associates - Offers self improvement products and courses focused on eliminating anxiety and fear, managing anger, and increasing emotional intelligence and motivation. Self Esteem And Confidence Improvement - Offers training to improve self esteem, confidence, and self image by working with self improvement techniques and a personal coach. Self Help Life Changing Course - Offers a training system, including personal coaching, to create success by developing the power of your subconscious mind. Includes success stories, monthly tip and newsletter. Transactional Analysis Tutor - Visual presentation of some basic transactional analysis concepts and tools along with 400+ clinical handouts.
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