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Pocket Dimension - Source and executables for Palm OS. Screenshots, user manual, and public forums. Lost Labyrinth - PureBasic Version - Coffeebreak dungeon crawling game. Abstract roguelike with smooth scrolling. Made by the creators of the original FreeBasic version Kalyp - Fantasy CRPG written in Java. Screenshots, development notes, source and executable content. Dungeondweller - Developer diary, Windows executables, and screenshots. Iter Vehemens ad Necem - Graphical variant. News, screenshots, and source and executable files for MS-DOS, Windows, and Linux. QHack - Simple starter implementation. Source files and development tips. QuickQuest - Screenshot and executable files. UnderDark - Changelog, screenshots, source, and executable files. Domain Country - Educational variation where letters represent nationalities. Summary, screenshots, and MS-DOS executable. Kaduria - Graphic game for MS-DOS. News, development notes, screenshots, and executable. atrogue - Requires UNIX-like system. Overview, player documentation, and source. Wa - Oriental theme. Overview, screenshots, and news. LnRogue - Graphical. Offers overview, screenshot, and source. Golem: Lands of Shadow - Isometric perspective graphics. Screenshots, background, and developer contact. Abura Tan - Screenshots, documentation, MS-DOS executable and source files. Ng Java Roguelike Engine Project - Programming framework. Overview, design documents, and prototype Angband implementation. POWDER - For the Game Boy Advance. Screenshots, development notes, and executables. ZapM - Science fiction theme. DOS, Linux, and OS X executables, guidebook, and forum. Rolf - Set in the world of Pokey the Penguin. DOS executable and source. Unfinished. Porrog - News, screenshots, source, and executables for Windows and OS X. HackNet - Multiplayer, networked roguelike developed in Perl. Papaki - Development weblog. Windows executable available. Martin's Dungeon Bash - Basic implementation. Development notes, buglist, and source. Ithaca - Post-apocalyptic. Overview, screenshots, and Windows executable. The Tombs - Play online. FAQ, manual, and forums. [Requires Flash] Shuruppak - Technical documentation, source, and Windows executable. Slaves to Armok - News, screenshots, design roadmap, player forum, and executable files. Incursion: Assault on the Halls of the Goblin King - Influenced by Omega and the d20 Game System. Screenshots, technical paper, and Windows executable. Quest for Pants - Implemented in Squeak. Screenshot, overview, source, and Linux executable. S.C.O.U.R.G.E. - Features graphical frontend. Overview, screenshots, build instructions, source, and executables for OS X and Windows.
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