The Battlecruiser flame war has its roots in the release of
Battlecruiser 3000AD in 1996. Discussions took place on AOL and Compuserve forum involving 'fans' and the game's developer, Derek Smart. The discussions migrated onto usenet, and have subsequently started to move onto world wide web based gaming forum. These discussions developed into possibly the biggest, longest running flame war in internet history, with around 50,000 archived usenet posts. Many of the participants in the flame war regard the war as a game in the Battlecruiser series. Those against the developer are often referred to as 'detractors', those for the developer are sometimes known as the 'bright' side. Sites listed here may provide information or views on the flame war, contain fan fiction, art, or software directly inspired by the flame war, or relate to anti-fandom of the series.