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Web sites and Newswires that provide open source news which is in some way unique. Sites that just display a collection of news feeds from other sites and don't offer any unique content of their own will not be included.
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Slashdot - News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters. Linux Today - News related to Open Source software and community (continuous, +email) MozillaZine - General information on the Open Source Netscape project. Infolets - Explores projects, products, and ideas that are interesting, innovative or just plain unique. Tectonic Open Source News - Open source news from South Africa including coverage of Linux and BSD. Apache Week - A weekly e-zine focused on Apache - it includes features, reviews, and Apache jobs. Open Source Forge - Features news, community discussion forums, and open source press releases. I4U News - News about emerging products and the future in personal technology. Advogato - Community resource site for developers of free software; news, and diary service. Topix: Open Source - News about open source, collected from various sources on the web. Linux/Open Source - Portal covering distributions, databases, development, security and servers. Lists technology news, white papers, newsfeeds and industry specific articles. Commercial Open Source Software - Weblog analyzing commercial firms with open-source products. BBC News: Legal Milestone for Open Source - Supporters of open source software are claiming victory after a US court ruled copyright protection applies to their work. Happy Birthday to GNU - A short film featuring Stephen Fry, to introduce the idea of free software and celebrate 25 years of the GNU/Linux operating system. Slashdot - Open-source and other technology news for nerds. O'Reilly OnLamp - Provides articles on the open source LAMP web platform. Roughly defined as (but not limited to) MySQL used in conjunction with Linux, Apache, and either Perl, Python, or PHP. Freecode - Daily news on the latest UNIX software releases. Local mirrors of majors packages. Past news are indexed and can be searched for keywords. O'Reilly Open Source Center - Features open source books, resources, news and articles.
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