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The AVR RISC microcontroller family is made by Atmel Corp. It uses a RISC core running single cycle instructions, and a well defined I/O structure that limits need for external components. Some features in AVR devices: internal oscillators, timers, UART, SPI, pull-up resistors, pulse width modulation, ADC, analog comparator, watch-dog timers. The architecture was created at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), by two students: Alf-Egil Bogen, Vegard Wollan, and developed further at Atmel Norway AS, a subsidiary founded by them. The chip is supported by Atmel, and by a vibrant, large, and growing user community, which provides free projects, software, tutorials, and much other assistance.
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AVR-Assembler-Tutorial - Introduces assembly programming language for Atmel AVR processors (AT90S) with practical examples. English, Deutsch. WinAVR - Suite of executable software development tools for Atmel AVR RISC processors, hosted on the Windows platform, has GNU GCC compiler for C/C++. Open source. HP InfoTech S.R.L. - Makes CodeVisionAVR C compiler, integrated development environment (IDE), automatic program generator, ChipBlasterAVR in-system programmer, code wizard, for Atmel AVR processors. [commercial] The AVR Assembler Site - Descriptions, tutorials, many code samples: application notes with commented source code. AVR Libc - Goal: high quality C library to use with GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollers. Together, avr-binutils, avr-gcc, and avr-libc are the core of the open source toolchain for AVR. AVR Butterfly and Beginners Site - The Butterfly is a credit-card sized demo board from Atmel Corp. It is feature-dense and low cost. Descriptions, tutorials, forum, block diagram, primer, many code samples: application notes with commented source code. AVRButterfly: AVR Butterfly and Beginners Group - Email forum at Yahoo Tech Groups. Atmel AVR - Growing article, with links to many related topics. [Wikipedia] MCS Electronics - Makes BASCOM AVR/8051 Windows BASIC compiler, educational development board, with tutorials, forum; other embedded electronic systems. ECE476 Final Projects - Many electrical engineering student projects, using Atmel ATmega32 AVR chips. Cornell University. ScienceProg - AVR tutorials, projects, links; and other science, embedded, biomedical engineering, physics content. AVR Freaks - News in Weblog format, links, forum, tutorials, articles, specifications; devices, tools, projects, vendors. Some areas need registration. AVR Microcontroller Projects - Many projects, tutorials; tools, book list, photo gallery, links. Linux Development Tools for Atmel AVR - Tool chain development for AVR on Linux: programmer hardware, Linux driver, AVRASM-compatible assembler/linker, debugger, simulator. Theiling Online. Dick Cappels' Project Pages - Many projects using microcontrollers (AVR, ATMega8, ATmega163, ATtiny12, ATtiny2313, AT90S1200A, AT90S2313, AT90S8515/ATMEGA8515), analog, RF, and all 3 mixed; much free information. AVR 8-Bit RISC - Official product information from Atmel Corp. Include overview, technical specifications, details of application support, and information about various associated tools and software. WebRing: AVR - Set of links to websites on Atmel AVR microcontrollers, related projects.
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