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Coordinated background sets for use in web page design are themed sets that usually consist of everything you will need for your webpage that is backgrounds, buttons, horizontal bars, welcome banners, e-mail, and links buttons. Many of these sets are created free for non-profit use, or are termed "linkware," which means that you may use them freely, so long as you credit the site where you found them with a link, so others can find their graphics, too.
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Alfredo Malchiodi Graphic Arts Studio - Authentic Renaissance/Medieval illuminated manuscript art (digitally hand-drawn) provide the inspiration for a select group of free coordinated sets. Free Graphics - Several coordinated sets and border backgrounds. Tiger Girl's Web Trip - Neon, plastic, chrome and rock graphics. Full Moon Graphics - Web page theme sets that are creative, screensavers and custom brushes for Photoshop. Chibi Creations - Original themed sets, free greeting cards, email stationery and Sims skins. Custom graphics available. Eve's Graphics Gallery - Coordinated sets for nature, floral, faith, sleek, deco, love and romance with extra borders, Bryce sea and sky scenes, and matching tiles. Delilah's Background Sets - Complete background sets made from various scanned pictures animals, angels, flowers, and a variety of others. Manlen Designs - Matched web graphics for building personal webpages, not for commercial use. CJC Designs - Backgrounds, buttons, bars, dividers, bullets and graphics, for personal web sites. Most designs come in 'theme' sets. Dami's Demesne - Sets, tiles, buttons, bars and remote control interfaces. Crystal Cloud Graphics - Web sets for the spiritually inclined. Graphics by Paula - Wedding and flowers web theme sets for personal use only. LB Creations - Themed and business web page sets. Custom work available. Link back required for executive and business sets. Sandpiper's Webdesigns - Free graphics for web pages, possibility of customizing according to wishes. Halloween Graphics Wallpaper Sets - Original Halloween web sets free for personal use only. Debbs Christian Background Sets - Christian background sets and graphics, sets include Jesus, Holy Spirit, cross, and teddy bears. Majestic Adorations - Sentimental designs with recurring floral and feminine motifs. Quadretto - Web Graphics - Theme sets and interfaces, spiced with java scripted effects and animations. Swan Background Graphics by Sygnet - Specializing in swan web sets, donation only for wildlife Sanctuary. Grumpy's Gathering Place - Several fun and different themes available, mostly animals. Original Country Homespun Graphics by Grandma George - Offers country graphics, clip art and printables. Chell's Roost - Mousedrawn websets, adoptables and clocks country graphics. Marvelicious Background Sets - Background sets in several categories, including angels, Victorian, floral and pets. Nightwing's Graphics - Free background sets for use in personal web pages. Complete sets made from a variety of scanned pictures and artwork, including Native American, patriotic, eagles, wolves, scenery, and flowers. Niele Hawaiian Girl Graphics - Graphics and websites designed using flora, fauna, symbols and traditions of Hawaii. Hawaiian supporting and celebrating the lifestyle and culture of Hawaii.
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