Natural Language Software Registry - A directory of academic, commercial and proprietary software with specifications and licensing terms. From DFKI Saarbrücken.
GATE: General Architecture for Text Engineering - A computer architecture for a broad range of Natural Language Processing tasks, available under the GNU Public License. Abundant documentation, Java class library, web-based demos.
Cogilex - Company offering expert services and customized tools for natural language processing. Site features demo download of the "QuickTag and QuickParse" utility for Windows, also online tools.
KPML Access Page - Graphically based language engineering program, developed for working with large-scale grammars under the Systemic Formal Linguistics framework. Downloadable program images, documentation, resources and source code.
OpenNLP - Collaborative organization for open source projects related to natural language processing. Lists ongoing projects and documents proposed standard Java and XML APIs.
Connexor Parsers - Language parsers and taggers for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Finnish and Swedish. On-line parser demos and limited documentation available.
Morphological and Orthographic Tools for English - UNIX tools for the analysis and synthesis of text, from Sussex's John Carroll. GZIP downloads, descriptions, related publications.
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