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Techniques and approaches for data ordering, arrangement and lookup.
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Fast Median Search - Overview of algorithms to find the median in a list of values; implementations and links are also provided. Ternary Search Trees - Fast Algorithms for Sorting and Searching Strings - The original paper and examples by Jon Bentley and Robert Sedgewick. Sequential and Parallel Sorting Algorithms - Description of sorting algorithms with examples FlashSort - Sorting by in place permutation with time complexity O(n) using an auxiliary vector. Papers, animations and implementations. WASA - A Java implementation of the Wealthy Adaptative Search Algorithm, a constraint-solving algorithm using a stochastic approach. Compact Guide to Sorting and Searching - Algorithms and data structures. Source code in C and VB is included. Demonstration applets in Java. Postman's Sort - A linear time general purpose sorting algorithm. Included is a description of the algorithm and downloadable executables for Windows computers. Understanding SoundEx Algorithms - Article describing and discussing the SoundEx searching algorithm and enhancements to make it more accurate. Includes SoundEx conversion form and Open licensed source code in C, JavaScript, and Perl. GNU libavl - Details of this collection of binary search tree and balanced tree library routines by Ben Pfaff. Etext in HTML/PDF/PS and source distribution. Sequitur - A method for inferring compositional hierarchies from strings, useful for recognizing lexical structure in long sequences. Examples, source code, description, publications, and an on-line demonstration. Search Algorithm - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Classification, summaries of the popular searching algorithms, links. Exact String Matching Algorithms - Common pattern search approaches with C implementations. Sorting Algorithms - Overview of many sorting techniques and corresponding links. Searching Algorithms - Overview of many sorting techniques and corresponding links. Sorting Algorithms Visualized - Applet visualizing various sorting algorithms, English version of Peter Weigel and Andreas Boltzmann applet. Wikipedia: String Searching Algorithm - Definition, classification, common algorithms, links. Fast Multi-Pattern Search - A fast algorithm for multi-pattern searching by Sun Wu Sorting and Searching Algorithms By Thomas Niemann. - Collection of algorithms for sorting and searching from arrays to B-Trees - theory, examples, implementation. Fibonacci Search in C - Fibonacci search and C sample code. Robsort GNU implementation - An O(n!) algorithm with downloads for Win98 and Unix platforms. Nearest Neighbors and Similarity Search - Slides of tutorial, bibliography, list of related researchers, open problems in similarity search area. String Searching With Suffix Trees - Fast String Searching With Suffix Trees by Mark Nelson Three Dimensional Bubble Sort - A specification of a new 'bubble sort' in three or more dimensions, with illustrative images. Suggest Trees - A data structure for rank-ordered autocomplete suggestions that supports fast lookup of the top k suggestions with a given prefix. Sorting Algorithm Visualization Poster - A poster visualizing and comparing 12 famous sorting algorithms showing their distinctive features. Quantum Random Walk Search - Search algorithm based on the quantum random walk architecture that provides a speed-up similar to other quantum search algorithms. Sorting Algorithm - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Classification, summaries of the popular sorting algorithms, links. Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm and Mixed States - Research thesis done under the supervision of Prof. Eli Biham. RumAVL - An ANSI C implementation of threaded AVL trees.
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