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Resources for teens and kids who like to write for fun or profit.
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Stone Soup - An online magazine by young authors and writers that has references for publishing in print materials. Young Authors Workshop - Children in grades 4 to 7 are taken through the writing process in a step-by-step fashion, beginning with how to find ideas for stories and continuing through finding online markets for publishing those stories. - Dedicated to publishing teen writing, as well as book reviews by teenagers. Teachers and parents of adolescents will find useful information. Teen and teacher discussions, author home pages. Creative Writing - Children aged 5-11 will find this page very useful in jumpstarting their creativity. A number of ideas which can be used as a stimulus for creative writing lessons. Millennium Philcon Teen Conference - Archive from the conference, which had a science fiction and fantasy focus for young writers. Teen Writers - This is for any writing teens to share their writing with other people and talk about what they like. Teen Writers Network - Place to see or show-off other teen writers work. A Yahoo Club. Teen Writer Coffee Shop - For any teen who likes to write. Post your work, get help when you've got writers' block, or just hangout, relax and read others' work. The Teenage Writers Club - A community for teens who write and want to share tips and critiques. (Yahoo group) J L Panagopoulos - Resources from Janie Lynn Panagopoulos, historian, author, lecturer. Advice and information for parents, teachers, librarians, and students. Kids on the Net - A place where kids can post book reviews and opinion pieces, participate in interactive stories, and write cyberpoetry. Headliners - A national news agency, where young people aged 8-18 produce articles on issues that are important to them but of interest to everyone. Elizabeth Winthrop Alsop - Advice for young writers,from Elizabeth Winthrop, author of more than forty books for children. The Iowa Young Writers' Studio - A summer camp specifically for high school students who want to improve their writing. Intensive classes offered in poetry, fiction, and essay writing. Go Teen Writers - A community for all teens who enjoy writing and aspire to be better at it. Site by Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson. Laura Thomas Communications - Fostering the development of young writers with contests and coaching. NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program - National Novel Writing Month is an annual writing event. Participants in the Young Writers Program (age 17 and under) are challenged to begin and complete a novel during the month of November. The Windows Project - Helping children and young people write poetry in community centres and schools since 1976. Writopia Lab - Write (and finish) original short stories, poems, plays, musicals, memoirs. All teachers are published authors. All groups have a maximum and six students. Alpha, the SF/F/H Workshop for Young Writers - Alpha is a ten-day residency writing workshop for teens held each summer since 2001 in Western PA. Four guest authors join ten staffers in teaching 20 students, then they travel to an SF con together. Juniper Institute for Young Writers - Hosted by the University of Massachusetts MFA Program for Poets and Writers. A week of creative writing workshops, courses, and readings for writers who have completed their sophomore, junior, or senior years of high school. Young Writers Association - Young writers in Eugene and Springfield, Oregon. Fremantle Children's Literature Centre - Runs interactive literature workshops for students (PP – Year 12), teachers and emerging authors and illustrators. Each term the Centre has four full exhibitions of Australian Picture Books. Writers' Exchange - Encouraging children as writers. Vancouver, BC.
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