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Weblogs by writers, about writing. Blogs should keep some focus on the topic of writing. Blogs should have dated entries, an archive and be kept updated. Must be about writing and for writers.
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Absolute Write - A blog by MacAllister Stone on writing topics, including freelance writing, novels and nonfiction. Contains a forum. My Year of Getting Published - Freelance writer living in New Zealand with the ultimate goal to drop the day job and become a travelling writer. Write This Moment - A jobs and opportunities website for writers. Membership site. Linx Journeyer - An account of a writer's journey through cyberspace. It includes a weblog, an ezine, free public domain etexts, recipes, quotes and quality links to subjects of interest to writers. Michelle Richmond: San Serif - Writing exercises, publishing tips, booknotes, and smashingly good advice for writers. Writing and Writer's Weblog - Writer news and other topics of interest to writers. Write Fem! - Mary's weblog while waiting for the big book deal to kick in for her loopy murder mysteries. Wish Jar Journal - Illustrated blog of author/ illustrator Keri Smith. Ash Tree - Journal of a writer. Martha O'Connor - Tales from the publishing front from a soon-to-be-published author. Some bitching, no whining, some wining. No Rules. Just Write. - Inspirational romance author Brenda Coulter on writing, life, and the writing life. Fictional Perspectives - Articles on writing, reference, writer's resources, news and items of interest from the publishing industry. Muse Ink - Author and educator Ami Hendrickson's daily weblog featuring topical advice and encouragement for writers and riders. Miss Snark: The Literary Agent - In which Miss Snark vents her wrath on the hapless world of writers and crushes them to sand beneath her T.Rexual heels of stiletto snark. The New Publisher's Journal - New publisher, dealing with the realities of the modern publishing industry, harboring numerous iconoclastic ideas, and having an internet-sized repository of information at our fingertips. The LitBlog Co-Op - Uniting the leading literary weblogs for the purpose of drawing attention to the best of contemporary fiction, authors and presses, struggling to be noticed in a flooded market place. Queens Write about Writing - From the women at the Queen Power site. Paperback Writer - Writing professionally since 1998. A Newbie's Guide to Publishing - Living proof that talent has very little to do with success. Teeny Books - A weblog for the illiterate. Ink in My Coffee - Writer's journal by Devon Ellington. Ye Olde Inkwell - Romance writer, hockey fan, shoe fanatic and coffee lover. Query Letters I Love - Actual query letters received in Hollywood. Inkygirl: A Weblog for Writers - Resources, information, job listings for freelance writers. Also includes a writing-related comic strip. Paranormality Universe - The ongoing journey toward publication for a paranormal women's fiction unpublished writer. Rants, insights, feedback, processes and resources for writers. 21st Century Publishing - Occasional posts about print on demand and small press publishing. Bleeding Ink - One writer's journey to publication and beyond. Robert Gregory Browne - The adventures of a first time novelist in the world of publishing. Cabbages and Kings - A diary by the authors of the Louis Kincaid series. A Writer's Life - Lee Goldberg, television writer, blogs about his accomplishments and adventures. Faster Than Kudzu - Joshilyn Jackson, play and novel writer, blogs about her work and ideas. Mark Terry - This weblog is a day-to-day account of the writing life, focusing on thoughts on developing plots, the psychology of writing, the minutiae of a freelancer's schedule. Booksquare - News and views for authors. The Writing Life - Nienke Hinton writes about the successes and struggles of an aspiring novelist. Includes links and reviews of writing websites. Ilona's World - The weblog of writer and reviewer Ilona Hegedus, who writes sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and poetry. Fiction Writing - A weblog all about fiction writing. Includes personal writing reflections, tips, writing markets, resources, and links. All Kinds of Writing - A weblog about the art of writing and the writing business. Freelancing and writing in order to get paid. Ghost Word - Ethereal thoughts on books and writing. The Happy Booker - Author discusses writing and the literary world. A Conservatory of One - Offers writing resources, writing prompts,and news bits to aid writers as they study and pursue in the writing craft. Boomer Chick: Musings of an Over the Hill Chick - An ordinary day in the life of a boomer babe. Writing books and keeping an online writing community. Old Hag - Regular book coverage, literary and linguistic commentary. BookWoman - A weblog about writing and publishing with Joni Rogers. The Write Place Web Log - Writing help and tools for business and personal writing. Words Don't Come Easily - About writing and books. Features reviews, quotes, and lists of outstanding writers. Writes. Designs. Reads everything that crosses her path, even shampoo labels. Paul's Visual Arts, Literature & Philosophy Forum - The purpose of this weblog is to initiate dialogue between people with interesting ideas about the subjects of greatest consequence to me, namely: the arts and philosophy. Confessions of An Author - Diary of a D list author, twice-published commercial women's fiction writer, and her hapless dealings in the world of publishing. J Alan Erwine's Blog - Colorado science fiction writer. Picture Book Illustrators - A group of professional children's book authors and illustrators wax poetic about their industry, their projects, and their daydreams. Maud Newton - Occasional literary links, amusements, politics, and rants. Publishing and writing industry news. Evil Editor - Authors with books that they feel are ready for publication prepare query letters which they would like reviewed. Evil Editor's comments are intended for entertainment purposes only, although many readers insist on finding them instructional as well. The Writer's Life Blog - Writing tips, author interviews, guest columnists, industry news. A promotional and marketing blog for the serious author. The Y Logs - Reflexions, writing topics, short stories and book reviews from a technical writer aspiring to more creative horizons. - Where form and function collude. More Than They'll Ever Know - The frantic life of a scribbling romantic mystery author and single Mom with 2 kids, 3 jobs, 4 dogs and only one life to fit it all into. Author of Sierra Lavotini mystery series. New Century Notebook - About writing journals, blogs, and living the writers life. All the ups and downs and lots of crazies. The Idea Boutique - Romance authors contribute to a weblog about creativity and where/ how they get their ideas. Tenebris - Discusses publishing and self-publishing. Coverage of books, ebooks, technology and intellectual property issues on the web.[Archived]. WritingThoughts - Laura Spencer's thoughts and experiences as a freelance writer. Writer Mama - Riffs on raising a writing career alongside with your kids. Ask Allison - Post questions and find answers on all of your too-afraid-to-ask concerns, hesitancies and worries about breaking into the publishing field. Writer Unboxed - About the craft and business of genre fiction. Writing White Papers - Learn about the latest trends in writing and marketing white papers. Angela Booth's Writing Blog - For freelance writers, writing fiction, nonfiction and copywriting to have fun, and become a better writer. Six-Figure Freelancer’s Blog - Paul Lima's weblog about freelance writing. Lighthouse Writing Tips Blog - Daily writing tips for both fiction and non-fiction. The Real Writer - Chris Stewart's site for those who love writing for its own sake, and are looking for professional, positive support. The Swivet - Provides news and reviews from a literary agent. Miss Snark's First Victim - Gives advice to writers and, along with anonymous literary agents, critiques query letters and partial manuscripts. Includes writing contests. Editorial Anonymous - An anonymous children's book editor gives advice and answers writer's questions. The Rejectionist - A New York editorial assistant gives advice on the dos and don'ts of query letters and manuscripts to aspiring authors. Word Grrls - Encouraging writers with prompts, writing exercises and editorial posts about writing and publishing on the Internet. Lisa Burks Online - Scribbling at the speed of dial up. Funds for Writers - Sources of grants, fellowships, contests, awards, markets and nonprofit partners. Hope Clark, site editor. Our Simple Joys - Ruby Bayan is a freelance writer who likes to share her simple joys. The Writing Life - Offers a glimpse into Terry Whalin's work inside publishing, as an editor and a writer. It Had Better Be Good - Diary of a birth of a novel. Everything from the day to day writing slog, to manuscript tips, to publisher submissions. Write Success - Mary Anne Hahn writes about freelance writing. Nathan Bransford Author - An author and an ex-literary agent with advice on how to write query letters, get an agent and get published. Bridget Whelan writer - A blog for writers and would-be writers by a published novelist offering information about competitions, advice and publishing news. Ink Thinker - Freelance writer-editor Kristen King is an inkthinker with a passion for the written word. 1,000 Words A Day - Writer's information, book reviews, short stories and news on the literary world. Unpublished Guy - Nearly serious diversions for fiction writers. Douglas Smith | Writer - Douglas Smith links to market sites worldwide, in their respective languages, as well as to other resources including conventions and promotion. The Writing Nag - A freelance writer offers inspirational writing quotes, daily prompts, creativity exercises and reviews of writing craft books. Motivates the beginning freelance writer to write. The Creative Penn - Writing, self-publishing, print-on-demand, internet sales and marketing for your book. Blog and ebooks by Joanna Penn. Annotation Nation - A look at literature through the eyes of writers looking more closely at the tools of the craft. Jeff Goins - Sharing ideas on writing, creativity, and making a difference. Ken Armstrong Writing Stuff - Has had writing produced for radio, theatre, and film... some short stories published (and broadcast). The writing Irishman. Writers' Checklist - A site for writers of all levels with advice, writing contests, author interviews and other useful resources. Seven Sentences - Exploring and unlocking the power of creativity in artists and bloggers. World of My Imagination - Blog to inspire other writers to keep writing, and find their way in the publishing worlds. Inspirational and informative blog posts on the publishing industry. Dan Erickson - A site about writing, blogging, writing as therapy, and writing life. Ain't I A Writer? - Chronicles the efforts of a struggling freelance writer (prose, poetry, and creative nonfiction) on her midlife career transition. Hortorian - About writing, with a forum, an outlet for critique and writing discussion. Writer's Tricks of the Trade - Features articles by author/ speaker/ columnist Morgan St. James and guest contributors in the industry filled with tips, techniques, tricks and industry news for writers. Thinking Lazy - A blog documenting the thoughts of an amateur writer aspiring to improve his skill. Fear of Writing - Milli Thornton, Taos, New Mexico. Online course and workshop for writers. Writers and Editors - Writer-editor Pat McNees Connecting writers and editors with each other, resources, markets, and audiences. Michel Cruz - Articles written as a freelance writer and editor over the years. Booksist - Valentina Dordevic's blog on books and writing. Book reviews, essays and writing tips. Clea Saal - Personal blog from a fiction writer. Jerz's Literacy Weblog - Articles on writing electronic text, technical writing, and emerging genres such as weblogs. Dennis G. Jerz. The Road Less Written - Resources, advice and news for authors. Strikethru - A blog about manual typewriters, typecasting, papercasting, plogging (paper web logs), Moleskine blogging, slide film and collage blogging, and other non-digital forms of communication. The Write Practice - Online writing workbook for daily practice. Writing In Wonderland - Sylvia Ney is a freelance writer and teacher currently serving as a Board Member of both the Texas Gulf Coast Writers and Bayou Writers Group. On Writing - Author and editor, RJ Blain, discusses the ins and outs of writing, editing, and navigating the world of creative writing. Christopher Fielden - A blog containing writing advice. The site uses published short stories as case-studies to show how the tips have been used to achieve success. Cheryl Reif Writes - Children's and young adult author Cheryl Reifsnyder shares writing tips, creativity news, and inspiration for writers on the road to publication. Book Publishing News - News related to book publishing, including digital and traditional book publishing, new tools and technologies, trends in book retailing, book production and printing, book promotion, and the business of writing and getting published. My Own Personal Grey - Fiction writer, Kat Richardson's weblog about writing and being published. Gloria Oliver's Blog - Speculative fiction author's blog covering books, movies, TV, and the writing life. Writing Spirit - For writers of all faiths, by Julie Isaac. Sarah Salway - Writing, reading, moving and talking. Carrie Butler - So, You're a Writer... - Paranormal romance writer, Carrie Butler, lends her voice to the writing community. Chaos Out of Chaos - Chronicle of a science fiction writer, Scott W. Baker. An Eclectic Mind - Maria Langer, commercial helicopter pilot, freelance writer, beekeeper, and serious amateur photographer. MK Anderson - Content strategy, culture, writing, from Keith Anderson. Jean Marie Bauhaus - A paranormal and dark fantasy writer's personal blog. Topics include television, movies, comics, marriage and family, personal finance, health and weight loss, shopping, knitting, and writing. DJR - Daniel Joshua Rubin - In-depth exploration of the great stories in film, theater, literature, music and business. The Writer's Cookbook - A blog with advice on all aspects of writing from copywriting to poetry. Kristina Adams is a twenty-something author, poet, and blogger. Rita Lorraine Hubbard - Author, book reviewer and freelance editor offers tips and resources for aspiring writers. Bob Sanchez - Author writes about reading, writing, and his travels in the Southwest. Alan Baxter - Writing showcase for dark fantasy, horror and science fiction writer. Slso discussing writing and publishing, especially within the speculative fiction genre. Elizabeth Melton Parsons - A writer's view on the difficulties and joys of being published with articles, stories, poetry, guest bloggers, and occassional rants. Editor's Opinions Blog - William H. Coles writes opinions on teaching and understanding the process of writing stories as a creative art form. Regular Spelling - Daniel 'sRc' Cheney, thoughts and observations about writing, linguistics, programming, and the Internet. Wordtryst - Liane Spicer’s take on writing and publishing. Features poem of the month, woman writer of the month, hunky leading man of the month. The Translation Post - Ruminations on language and translation offered by a German to English translator. Rebecca Rosenblum - The thoughts and experiences of a writer. Toronto, Ontario. Patrick James - Personal blog of an Irish poet, writer and artist. Stephen Lloyd Webber - This blog features tips on creative writing, blogging, wellness and activism. Fairyhedgehog - A personal blog, mostly about writing and books. Surrey, UK. The 1940 Mystery Writer - Site containing personal experiences of epublished writers, book reviews, forensics through history, and writing samples. Gunnar Grey located in Humble, Texas. Ann Elise Monte - An aspiring Young Adult author's journey towards publication, sharing what she learns along the way. Robert Fay - Site dedicated to commentary on literary news, new books and publishing issues that effect writers of literary fiction. Mark Cooper - A blog about ideas, creativity and writing, especially poetry. Cynthia Lee Cartier - Writer blogs about writing, life, design, travel and food. Publishing Insider - News, tips, strategies and success stories for self-published and independent authors. Sutanu Mitra - An Indian English writer. Writing about creativity and events. WritersOpt - Ggiving a daily dose of writing tips, publishing resources, and book marketing ideas. David Crystal - Writer, editor, linguist, lecturer, and broadcaster. Holyhead, North Wales, UK. Bev Walton-Porter - Professional writer who pursues many things, including advanced studies in communication and philosophy. Savoring the writing life one word at a time. Glynn James - Short stories, rants, interesting websites and horror writing resources. Author of horror, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, and science fiction books. The Wild Writers - Members of the Wild Writers critique group discuss writing, publishing, and the writing life. Irregardless Magazine - Factlets, quibbles and ravings for the literary mind. Sometimes serious. National Pasquinade - Writing prompts posted to Twitter as hashtag games.
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