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Tips for writers. This category includes articles and websites which have tips for writers of fiction and non-fiction. Check Arts/Writers_Resources/Directories for sites which offer a variety of resources and links.
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Web Writing That Works - Articles from trainer-writer team Jonathan and Lisa Price. Incorporating research on usability, readability, reading comprehension, and writing methods. StoryCon - Articles submitted by members, on various aspects of writing. Writing Counterpoints - Two essays by J.D. Chapman on writing counterpoints. Ink - Articles for writing, publications and publicity. Harold Underdown's Frequently Asked Questions File - General questions about children's books, writing, and publishing. Sensible Solutions: Book Marketing - Offers information to get books into the hands of readers. How to Tell if a New or Small Press is Legitimate - Ways to check out a publisher before signing a contract. Writing in the Age of the Network - Text of ideas about authoring in an age of multi-media: the computer's effect, the book as a media space, and an invitation to respond. What do Publishers do? - Excerpt from pages 5-29 of Getting It Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Serious Books, by William Germano. Monica Wood- Tips - Monica Wood is a novelist and short-story writer who teaches fiction workshops. Provides tips for writers. Twilight Times: Marketing and Self-Promotion - Article written by author Astrid Cooper. Meghan McCarthy - Publishing Articles - A section devoted to authors and illustrators - with publishing advice, writing tips, and author interviews. Victory Crayne, Author - Original articles by Victory Crayne. Links to resources, search tools and motivational articles. Writing Guidebook - Useful articles full of information for both novice and experienced writers. - Provides tips, tools and resources to help writers get organized and write more. WriteDirections - Online resources and articles by Beth Mende Conny. OurSimpleJoys: Writing - Tips and advice from Ruby Bayan, freelance writer, editor, and site designer. Inspiration for Writers - Writing tips and techniques, editing and critiquing services, and plenty of encouragement. Forward Motion for Writers - Articles, workshops, free writers' community, publication how-to's and discussions, free e-books and bi-monthly e-zine. From full-time novelist Holly Lisle. Writing@CSU - Writing Center at Colorado State University. Provides writing guides, tutorials and other information. SFWA: Information Center - From Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. volunteers. Pointers on manuscript preparation and critiquing. Scribendi Inc - Advice and Articles - Tips on writing, English, and composition. Write It Sideways - Provides articles to help writers gain new skills, define goals, increase productivity, and prepare for publication. The Ten Most Common Reasons Book Proposals are Rejected - Marcia Yudkin provides a list of rejection reasons, and ways to succeed. Writing for the Web - Research on how users read on the web and how authors should write their web pages. Mainly based on studies by John Morkes and Jakob Nielsen. Includes links to other resources on the subject. Backspace - The Writers Place - Offers discussion forums, for registered users, and articles. How to Copyright a Book - -'s editors explain everything you need to know about how to copyright a book. Guide to Literary Agents - Chuck Sambuchino's blog helps you find the right agent to represent your work. At F+W Media, Inc. Concise, Scannable, and Objective: How to Write for the Web - A report on Web usability studies that describes how to write for the internet user. Caro Clarke - Writing advice. Several articles for fiction and non-fiction writers. On Getting Published, ebooks, and Living Goddess - Links to contests, author interviews, trends in publishing, news of use to writers. From a writer living in India. Indies Unlimited - Tips and resources for independent authors. The Writers Journey - Supports writers through the complex process of creating written work. Mentoring, workshops and wilderness retreats. The Writing Mall - Resources for writers, journal keepers and content providers. Teach Yourself Just Write - Creative writing content, resources and news for aspiring writers and enthusiasts. Fear of Writing - Inspirational article which suggests that suffering will make our work real, thereby giving it depth and integrity. Writers Cheat Sheets - Catherine E. McLean, providing shortcuts, secrets, practical tips, and writers cheat sheets for novels and short stories. Basic Guide to Essay Writing - A step-by-step guide to writing a basic essay, along with links to other essay-writing resources. Kathy Livingston. Pocket Read - A resource for writers from the inception of an idea, through the joy (and pain) of writing, to ultimately publishing a manuscript. Where Writers Win - Tips, training and tools for emerging authors. Unlock Writers Block - Learn how prolific writers of all disciplines overcome block, increase productivity and boost creativity. Garbl's Writing Pencil - Writing resources and style guides posted by Gary B. Larson. Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing - Peer-reviewed collections of essays with each volume freely available for download under a Creative Commons license Brian Cormack Carr - Writer and coach posting about healthy eating, self publishing and writing. Viva Scriva - On critique and the writing process. Blue Zoo Writers - Advice on best practices to write better, build a literary career, and get published. Part Time Scribe - How to write, tips, and information for the part time writer.
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