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"Doctor Who" is a British Broadcasting Corporation series following the adventures of a mysterious time-traveller known only as "the Doctor" and the various companions who travel with him. It is among the world's longest-running science-fiction television series and has a worldwide fan following. The show began in 1963 and ran for 26 seasons until it was put "on hiatus" (and not officially cancelled) in 1989; a television movie was made in 1996. While it was off the air, books and audio dramas continued the Doctor's adventures. The programme was relaunched in 2005, with a full season and a Christmas special each year through 2008, four specials in 2009, and a fifth series in 2010 - 2014. Actors who have played the Doctor are: [1] William Hartnell, [2] Patrick Troughton, [3] Jon Pertwee, [4] Tom Baker, [5] Peter Davison, [6] Colin Baker, [7] Sylvester McCoy, [8] Paul McGann, [9] Christopher Eccleston, [10] David Tennant, [11] Matt Smith, and [12] Peter Capaldi.
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Who3D - Computer generated artwork, tutorials, downloads, news and a forum. Doctor Who: A Brief History of Time (Travel) - Offers news, episode details, and features about the show and its spin-offs. Doctor Who: Devious - Amateur film producers. Contains production notes, galleries, movie clips and news about the project Halfway to Oblivion, featuring a cameo performance by Jon Pertwee. - Features puzzles, polls, bloopers, a list of books, DVDs, videos and audios. You know you're an American Doctor Who fan if... - Some humorous comments on Doctor Who fandom. Alden's Doctor Who Page - New Zealand site offering news, local fan club information, a guide to the audio adventures, fan fiction and a Mel Bush appreciation section. Who's Doctor Who? - Offers a biography and chronology of the Doctor. Tabula Rasa: Doctor Who - A collection of stories and articles concentrating on the seventh Doctor and the darker aspects of the show. - Original artwork, recent convention photographs and exclusive online comic adventures. Eye of Horus - Fan enterprise offering detailed plot synopses, episode and DVD reviews, articles, interviews, merchandise and details of the Big Finish audio productions. The Earthbound TimeLords - An academic research site devoted to the series. Doctor Who Dynamic Rankings - An ongoing survey of on-line fandom's likes and dislikes, including favourite episodes and Doctors. Doctor Who Scarf - Describes how to recreate the 4th Doctor's scarf. Includes instructions, a guide to yarns, knitting patterns and photographs. Defending the Earth - Games and puzzles, with a special section devoted to unmasking the true identity of the mysterious character known as "The Doctor". Kasterborous - Articles and news items, interviews with cast members, reviews, original artwork and wallpaper downloads. Wikipedia: Doctor Who - Features the history of the Doctor and his companions, as well as information about the various aliens and villains that have featured throughout the series. Doctor Who Online - Offers news and reviews, with forums, episode guides, audio interviews and links. The ?-Mark Doctor Who Page - A concise guide to the first 8 Doctors. Planet Kember - Former series consultant Ian Levine's suite of discussion forums covering a variety of Doctor Who related topics. Doctor Who Locations - Utilises Google Maps to provide details of various filming locations used in the series. The TARDIS Library - Information on the show's TARDIS props and the real police boxes that inspired them, along with details on fan replicas and a guide to building your own. Tardis Data Core, the Doctor Who Wiki - Wikia encyclopedia extensively covering stories, characters, technology, locations and species for Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane and K9. The TARDIS Rebuilders - Message board for fans interested in constructing replicas. The Guardian - Doctor Who - Ongoing collected coverage includes news, features, interviews, blogs, notes and queries. BBC One: Doctor Who - Official website provides news, episode guide, video clips, image galleries, characters, monsters, games and DW50 guide. BBC America: Doctor Who - Official website for the television series featuring videos, images, cast bios, premiere information and trailers. IMDb: Doctor Who - Offers a synopsis, cast and crew list, user comments, a message board and links. Doctor Who - Contains cast and crew information, episode guides, news and links.
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