"Doctor Who" is a British Broadcasting Corporation series following the adventures of a mysterious time-traveller known only as "the Doctor" and the various companions who travel with him. It is among the world's longest-running science-fiction television series and has a worldwide fan following. The show began in 1963 and ran for 26 seasons until it was put "on hiatus" (and not officially cancelled) in 1989; a television movie was made in 1996. While it was off the air, books and audio dramas continued the Doctor's adventures. The programme was relaunched in 2005, with a full season and a Christmas special each year through 2008, four specials in 2009, and a fifth series in 2010 - 2014. Actors who have played the Doctor are: [1] William Hartnell, [2] Patrick Troughton, [3] Jon Pertwee, [4] Tom Baker, [5] Peter Davison, [6] Colin Baker, [7] Sylvester McCoy, [8] Paul McGann, [9] Christopher Eccleston, [10] David Tennant, [11] Matt Smith, and [12] Peter Capaldi.