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This category is for personal poetry pages whereby: 1. The author's surname begins with H, or 2. If surname is unknown/unacknowledged, the first name begins with H.
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Hiwa, R. - Galerie d'Art Gallery - Poems in English, French, and Farsi. Includes hosted poems and paintings of the author's friends. Harris-Custer, Orene Elizabeth - Orene's Poems - Poems by Orene Harris-Custer. Heasley, Geoffrey, Thomas - A Change in My Life - A personal collection. Humle, Harry - Dark Horse - Poetry, artwork, short stories, drawings, quotes, flash, 3D and computer graphics. Requires Flash 4 or higher to enter; graphically intense. Haller's Hideout - The life, poetry, art, and satire of a 21st-Century Steppenwolf. Hellhed - Poetry, song lyrics, humor, and art. Howe, Laurence - Innovation Game Poetry - Poetry collection spanning 40 years. Hoffman, Justin - Personal poetry, information about his book and links to buy. Poetry book for sale. Online poetry. Poetry emailer. Email list. Hope - Lady Hope's Night Haven - Personal and romantic poetry. Hambrock, Geri - Moonkitty's World - Subjects are life, love, anti-abuse and caring. Hope, Railey - Railey's Poetry and Such - A small personal collection. Heinrich, Ray - Word Biscuit - A small personal collection. Hamilton, David - Author of Nature's Majesty, an e-book of lyrical poetry published by Sirius Publications. Includes a bio and links. Halliwell, Frank - Poetry Pages - A collection of rhymed and metered poetry in the traditional style on a wide variety of subjects. Horken, Sarah - Heart Tears - A personal collection, bio, quotes, list of awards won, and a guestbook. Hann, Joelle - WaxPoetic - Poetry and essays by this Canadian poet residing in Brooklyn, as well as the poetry of others. Includes local area information on reading series in Williamsburg, NY. Holt, Michelle - Poetically Speaking - Poetry and art pages by this published poet. Includes archives and links. Hamm, Christine - Personal collection, publication listings, and announcements for public readings in NYC. Harris, Alan - An Everywhere Oasis - Inspirational, philosophical, upbeat, or satirical. Hudnall, Tom - Poetry Exchange - A personal collection, and place for poets to submit work. Heather May - Heather's Cheesy Poetry - Her poetry and links. Hove, Eric van - Poetry, projects, photography and news. Hagemann, Helen - Two poetry collections by this Australian poet. Focusing on "the female experience". Hunt, K. - Poetry For Teachers - Offers several poems useful to the art of learning to read poetry. Hussein - A New World Everyday - Songs, raps and poems. Humna Hamid - A small collection of poems Harris, Dylan - arts \ ego - Described as an "arch modernist". Dylan Harris's online poetry includes versions of poems in print, with many recorded readings.
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