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Barbershop societies, districts, regions, areas and other groups of chapters/choruses/quartets.
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SNOBS - Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers - Information on events, choruses and quartets related to Barbershop singing in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. HI - Harmony, Inc. - International organization of women barbershop singers. LABBS - Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers - Information on affiliated clubs and their details. Contacts and useful numbers of officials. SAI - Sweet Adelines International - A worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance. BHS (JAD) - Johnny Appleseed District - Johnny Appleseed district association of chapters of the Barbershop Harmony Society (formerly SPEBSQSA). SAI - Lake Michigan - Region 3 - The location of choruses, quartet contacts and events calendar for the female barbershop singers of the Sweet Adelines-Lake Michigan region. SAI - Southern Cross - Region 34 (AU) - Here you can find information and links to Sweet Adelines in Australia. Individual chorus pages are also hosted here. SAI - Greater New York - Region 15 - Sweet Adelines in New York City and New Jersey area. BHS (NED) - Northeastern District - Covers barbershopping in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New York, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Rhode Island and Vermont. BHS (SWD) - Southwestern District - The district of champions. Where it all began. SAI - North Atlantic - Region 1 - Women's Barbershop in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York (Franklin, Clinton, Essex Counties), Rhode Island and Vermont. Harmony Foundation - Official charity of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America (SPEBSQSA). SAI - Sequoia Pacifica - Region 11 - Women's barbershop in California and Nevada. SAI - Lake Erie - Region 17 - Includes choruses and quartets in western Pennsylvania, northern Ohio, southeastern Michigan and northeastern Indiana. SAI - Atlantic Gulf - Region 9 - Provides music and leadership education for women through 4-part barbershop harmony in most of the state of Florida. SAI - Pacific Shores - Region 12 - Sweet Adelines in northern California. Calendar of events, chorus information, quartet information, LAW school, open coaching sessions, regional conventions, resources and help wanted. SAI - North Pacific - Region 13 - Includes Alaska, Washington, northern Idaho, and the far northwestern corner of Montana. There are 20 choruses and 2 prospective chapters. SAI - Midwest Gateway - Region 5 - Includes east and central Missouri, Illinois, and western Kentucky SAI - Blue Ridge - Region 14 - Includes all chapters in Virginia, North and South Carolina, part of Maryland and the northeast corner of Tennessee. It has more than 1,100 members in 25 chartered choruses. BHS (CSD) - Central States District - Barbershopping in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota. BHS (ONT)- Ontario District - The only all Canadian district in the Barbershop Harmony Society (Formerly known as SPEBSQSA). BABS - British Association of Barbershop Singers - Explains the background to the association, covers news and events and will help you find a barbershop chorus near you. SAI - New Zealand - Region 35 - New Zealand chorus contacts, coming events, past champions, regional competitions, young singers foundation and young women in harmony. BHS (DIX)- Dixie District - District news, upcoming events, awards presented and information for barbershop in the states of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. BHS (RMD) - Rocky Mountain District - District association of chapters of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America (SPEBSQSA). SAI - Atlantic Bay Mountain - Region 19 - Finding a chorus, upcoming events, important announcements and deadlines. BHS (SUN) - Sunshine District - Where to get your barbershop fix in the sunshine state. SAI - Golden West - Region 21 - Choruses and quartets in southern California, western Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. SAI - Can-Am - Region 6 - Sweet Adelines in the Upper Midwest - Manitoba, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, North West Ontario and South Dakota. SAI - Great Gulf Coast- Region 10 - Sweet Adelines in the gulf coast region. Upcoming events, chorus and quartet listings. SAI - Quartet Of Nations - Region 31 (UK) - Sweet Adeline's in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. SAI - Nordic Light - Region 32 - Women's Barbershop in Sweden. Several pages available in English BHS (LOL) - Land O' Lakes District - One of the 16 districts of the barbershop harmony society. Geographically, this district covers Minnesota, Wisconsin, Manitoba, North Dakota, Saskatchewan, part of Michigan and part of Ontario. SAI - Rocky Mountain - Region 8 - Sweet Adelines in Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas BHS (CAR)- Cardinal District - The Indiana/Kentucky district of the barbershop harmony society. BHS (SLD)- Seneca Land District - Barbershop harmony society in parts of New York and Pennsylvania. HI - Area 3 - Women's Barbershop harmony include Chapters south of Highway 401 from Ajax, Ontario to Port Stanley, Ontario. Portions of Ontario, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. BHS (PIO) - Pioneer District - The first district in the barbershop harmony society. Barbershop Harmony Chicagoland - A listing of Chicago area barbershop shows, events and news of interest to the barbershop community. BHS - Barbershop Harmony Society (formerly SPEBSQSA) - Umbrella organization for barbershop singing in America. Find the clubs servicing your local area, competition scores, event diary, contact details, purchasing, definition of barbershop as a form of a cappella singing. Formerly known as SPEBSQSA - Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America HI - Area 4 - Women's Barbershop Four Part Harmony in Ontario west of 85 degree longitude,Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin HI - Area 2 - Barbershop harmony for women in Ontario East of 77.5 degrees longitude to Quebec 70 degrees longitude, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont. AAMBS - Australian Association of Men's Barbershop Singers - Links and contacts for all affiliated barbershop choruses and quartets in Australia. Atlantic Harmony Brigade - An intensive annual participatory weekend convention for ambitious and experienced male barbershop quartet singers, for networking, singing, performing, competing and expanding repertory. SAI - Lake Ontario - Region 16 - Women's barbershop groups in the region surrounding Lake Ontario. PROBE - Public Relations Officers and Bulletin Editors association. AHSOW - Ancient Harmonious Society of Woodshedders - the act of three men creating Barbershop harmonies "by ear" to a given melodic line sung by a fourth man. Bank of America Collegiate Barbershop Quartet Contest - Provides information about the contest, past champions, rules, dates, and other relevant information. SAI - East Central - Region 4 - Choruses and quartets in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. BHS (ILL)- Illinois District - Illinois district of the barbershop harmony society.
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