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The modern Classical Guitar has six strings, usually of nylon (once of gut). The wooden resonating chamber is commonly made of rosewood, with a thin pliant top and a flat back. The neck is relatively broad, with 12 frets.
Standard tuning is EADGBE.
Sites [ Submit ] - Resource center and meeting place for classical guitarists from around the world. Includes classical guitar sheet music, classified by order of difficulty, MP3s, tablature, videos and on-line guitar instruction. The Guitar School - Iceland - Sheet music for classical guitar in Adobe Acrobat format. Guitar primer, studies and pieces by Eythor Thorlaksson and Sveinn Eythorsson. Classical Guitar Tablature - Tablature, MIDIs, and standard notation for beginning to intermediate guitarists. Iznaola Guitar Works - Offers recordings, books and other resources by guitarist Ricardo Iznaola. New Millennium Guitar Publishing Co. - Online sheet music samples, catalog, magazine and technique guide. Classical Guitar Illustrated History - History of classical guitar, composers, makers and performers. Includes images of ancient guitars. Classical Guitar Midi Archives - Includes a wide variety of classical guitar music files. History of Midi and explanation of tablature notation are included. Granary Guitars - A museum of classical guitars available for inspection and playing. Information about instruments, open days and visiting arrangements. [Hertfordshire, UK] Stalking the Oldest Six-String Guitar - An article by Thomas F. Heck about the origins of the modern six-string classical guitar, and how it differed from its antecedents (first published 1972). Classical Guitar - Information on construction, repair, and background. MIDI files and examples of guitar chords. Classical Guitar - Manuscript and MIDI files; links to music, lessons, and articles; information and resources for beginners. International Guitar Research Archive - Extensive database archives includes articles, lists of musical pieces, and composer biographies. Classical Guitar Internet Resource Site - Links to classical guitar mailing lists and message boards.
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