Lerma's Official Trash Battlefield Earth Page - News and rumors about the film. Excerpts from reviews by more than 100 newspapers, magazines, broadcasters, and web sites.
Rotten Tomatoes: Battlefield Earth (2000) - Synopsis, production notes, news, links to reviews.
Battlefield Earth: The Abridged Script - Parody of the John Travolta-Barry Pepper movie.
Box Office Mojo: Battlefield Earth - Box office data for Battlefield Earth for the length of its first domestic run in theaters. Includes John Travolta's box office track record and a comparison with other universally reviled movies.
The Battlefield Earth Contest - Is there anything good about this movie? Anything at all? [Slashdot]
Yahoo! Movies: Battlefield Earth (2000) - Plot summary, cast and credits, user reviews and rating, links to critics' reviews.
IMDb: Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000) - Cast and credits, viewer rating and comments, plot summary.
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