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San Francisco Cinematheque - Showcases experimental film and video Austin Film Society - Resource for Texas filmmakers. Exhibition programs, calendar, and a listing of the Society's services and programs for artists. Denver Film Society - Offering information on online ticket purchase, membership and events. Sarasota Film Society - Florida theatre offering membership for movie viewing and a schedule of attractions. Stanford Film Society - Features a calendar of events and information on submitting an entry. Yale Film Society - Features a schedule of screenings and information on each movie. Rehoboth Independent Film Society - Events held throughout the year, culminating in the film festival in November. The Washington Psychotronic Film Society - Frequently updated schedule, movie archives and search engine. University of Film Appreciation Club - Provides resources for independent film makers, weekly movie reviews, and links to movie-related pages. Imaginative Cinema Society - Film club dedicated to the viewing and discussion of Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy films. Film Societies in the United States of America - Directory of links provided. Tallahassee Film Society - Membership details, mailing list, resources, and links. FLICS International Cinema Society - Screening foreign language and independent American films in Bakersfield, California since 1982. Subscription details, policies, schedule, and links. Omaha Film Event - Information about film events produced by Bruce Crawford. Upcoming and past events, news, the producer, sponsors, and links. Green Bay Film Society - Not-for-profit community group bringing international and independent films to northeastern Wisconsin. Overview and film schedule. University Film and Video Association - Promotes interest in the making and teaching of film and video. Articles, news, conferences, programs, and contact information, as well as board members and school associations. The Psychotronic Film Society - Features a schedule of films and an online gift shop. Also offers reviews on movies. Olympia Film Society, Washington - Offering information on events, schedule and history. Cleveland Film Society - Promotes and presents artistically and culturally significant films. Coastside Film Society - Provides a venue for viewing of independent films, emphasizing works produced by local filmmakers. Feminale Films - San Francisco Bay-Area women's film collective that seeks to promote local women filmmakers and their art. Case Western Reserve University Film Society - Offering information on schedules, prices, cast and location. San Francisco Film Society - Fosters appreciation for film, video and other moving-image media, and preserves and disseminates knowledge about them as powerful means both of aesthetic expression and of cultural understanding. Worcester Polytechnic Institute Lens and Lights Club - Offering different types of motion picture projection and information on film laws. Macon Film Guild - Screens recently released works of contemporary independent American and foreign directors. Macon, Georgia. Political Film Society - Members are allowed to cast ballots to nominate feature films. Also features movie reviews. Philadelphia Film Society - Information about area film festivals sponsored by the non-profit organization. Alex Film Society - Information about the Glendale, California theater. Includes history, photos and schedule. Tropic Cinema - Dedicated to exhibiting and promoting film as an art. Home of the Tropic Cinema Theater, and Key West Film Institute. Key West, Florida. Brown Film Society - Film showings weekly. Film Society of Minneapolis St. Paul - Non-profit organization dedicated to fostering an active and living appreciation of the film arts in the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota. Ragtag Cinema - Independent and foreign films in downtown Columbia, Mo, since the beginning of 1998. Venues include the Blue Note Theater, the Missouri Theater and the Ragtag Cafe. Film Society KC - Fosters appreciation of cinema and animation through film festivals and recognition of Kansas City's cinematic artists. Film Society of Lincoln Center - Home to the New York Film Festival, New Directors/New Films, and the Chaplin Award Gala. Showing movies in the Walter Reade Theater and Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center.
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