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American Tanka - A print journal devoted exclusively to the fast-growing genre of English-language tanka. The journal features sample poems from previous issues and an on-line submission form. Kokin Wakashu--Introduction - This English-language intro by Prof. Lewis Cook introduces the full Japanese text of the first imperial anthology of Japanese poetry (which requires Japanese-text-handling software). It is a thorough and interesting introduction to the early history of the tanka. Yahoo Groups : Tanka - Gateway to a tanka discussion forum moderated by Jane Reichhold. Selected Tanka Bibliography - An extensive list of books on the subject, compiled and commented upon by William J. Higginson. Kujaku Poetry - The weblog of M. Kei, a Chesapeake poet. Personal, informative, and opinionated, with history and examples of various types of Japaniform poems, including haiku, senryu, choka, tanka, waka, kyoka, emphasizing mainly the latter three. Tanka Online - Learn to write the lyric poem of Japan known as tanka, now one of the most popular and versatile short forms of poetry in English. Webmaster, Jeanne Emrich. Kyoka Mad Poems - A Google Group: Kyoka, variously translated into English as 'mad poems,' 'comic waka' and 'humorous tanka' are to tanka/waka what senryu is to haiku: the lighter side of poetry, with few rules. Frequently satirical, bawdy, and just plain silly, kyoka is for poets who want to have fun. Keibooks-Announce - Email list, to provide press releases and other information about poet and publisher M. Kei.
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