Little House Site Tours - Links to tours of places in the life and books of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Nothing But Rose - Fun site for all ages on Laura Ingalls Wilder's daughter, Rose.
Cap Garland - Oscar "Cap" Edmund Garland, hero of the "Little House" books. Includes biographical information and an interview with Cap's great-niece, and provides links to other websites regarding the author.
Ingalls Homestead - Home of Laura Ingalls Wilder and "Little House" stories. Includes history, virtual tour, and how to visit in person.
Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum - Visitors information for the house in Mansfield, Missouri.
My Little House on the Prairie Page - Fansite for the Little House book series including simple synopses, activities, and trivia.
Laura Ingalls Wilder Book Covers - Early edition covers of Laura Ingalls Wilder books, illustrated by Helen Sewell and Mildred Boyle.
Little House - A fan site which includes a chat room and message board for discussion of the author and her works.
Genealogy of Almanzo and Laura Ingalls Wilder - Family tree and a discussion of the discrepancies between census records and the stories recorded in Wilder's books.
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