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The scope and purpose of this category is to provide links dedicated to scholarship, essays, reviews, etc., on John Milton.
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Paradise Lost Study Guide - Text, essays, indexes, illustrations, questions and answers. Selected Papers - From the West Virginia Shakespeare and Renaissance Conference comes the article, "Poetical Historiography: Milton’s History of Britain as a Literary Text," by James Egan. Milton, John - Background on Milton's religious convictions, and how they relate to his political tracts. Milton's Works and Life: Select Studies and Resources - Many bibliographic entries of primary and secondary sources. From R.G. Siemens, University of Alberta. Book Review - Jim Daems reviews Sea-Mark: The Metaphorical Voyage, Spenser to Milton, by Philip Edwards. Book Review - Andrew McRae reviews The Matter of Revolution: Science, Poetry, and Politics in the Age of Milton, by John Rogers. Book Review - Jim Daems reviews Carnal Rhetoric: Milton's Iconoclasm and the Poetics of Desire, by Lana Cable. Book Review - Philip Edward Phillips reviews Origin and Authority in Seventeenth-Century England: Bacon, Milton, Butler, by Alvin Snider. Milton and the Sexy Seals: A Peephole into the Horton Years - Notes on Milton's marginalia, as pertaining to his copy of Lycophron's Alexandra. By John K. Hale. Book Reviews - John S. Pendergast reviews Milton, Spenser and the Epic Tradition, by Patrick J. Cook; Mapping the Faerie Queene, by Wayne Erickson. Reflections on Milton and Ariosto - Analyses the issues surrounding "Milton and his supposed scribbles in a 1591 edition of Sir John Harington's translation of Ariosto." By Roy Flannagan. Protocols of Reading: Milton and Biography - J. Michael Vinovich analyzes "how Milton's biography has been constructed . . [and] how its ideological and institutional protocols constrain reading strategies that threaten to qualify it." Milton and the Jacobean Church of England - A 1995 article by Daniel W. Doerksen, published in "Early Modern Literary Studies." England as Israel in Milton's Writings - Explicates the relation between church and state in Milton's writings, arguing for the gradual loss of political innocence. Book Review - Jim Daems reviews The Arts of Empire: The Poetics of Colonialism from Ralegh to Milton, by Walter S.H. Lim. Book Review - Mary R. Bowman reviews Allegory and Epic in English Renaissance Literature, by Kenneth Borris. Book Review - Robert Grant Williams reviews Showing Like a Queen: Female Authority and Literary Experiment in Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton, by Katherine Eggert. Book Review - Paul Dyck reviews of Bodies and Selves in Early Modern England: Physiology and Inwardness in Spenser, Shakespeare, Herbert, and Milton, by Michael Schoenfeldt. Book Review - Amdrew McRae reviews Radical Religion from Shakespeare to Milton: Figures of Nonconformity in Early Modern England, by Kristen Poole. Ovid's Rivers and the Naming of Milton's Lycidas - Eric C. Brown suggests that in terms of name Lycidas, "Comparatively little study has been made, however, of the etymological complexity of the name." Book Review - William Walker reviews Stanley Fish, How Milton Works, by Stanley Fish. Book Review - Bryan N.S. Gooch reviews Pastoral Process[:] Spenser, Marvell, Milton, by Susan Snyder. Book Review - William Walker reviews Milton and Heresy, Stephen B. Dobranski and John P. Rumrich, eds. Book Review - William Walker reviews Milton and the Terms of Liberty, by Graham Parry and Joad Raymond, eds. John Milton: Poet, Priest and Prophet - Etext version of the book, "Study of Divine Vocation in Milton's Poetry and Prose," by John Spencer Hill. Milton Review - Reviews of books about Milton, from Kevin J.T. Creamer, University of Richmond. Italy, European Intellectual Life, and the Pamphlet Wars of the 1640s - Culture and history during the 1640s, and background on Milton in Italy. The Milton Quarterly - Scholarly journal devoted to his life and writings.
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